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- We automatically search and pend all posts that are made without user log-in and the posts that are suspected to have problematic contents. This system plays an important role to keep the quality of our website. However, this system may also pend other posts that include the same words or phrases. Once the system pends any post, our staff will receive a notification and review it. If there is no problem with the post, it will be published typically within 1 to 3 business days. If you would like to publish your post immediately, please log-in and make post.
If we decide that the post has problematic contents or it violates our terms of use, we will not be able to publish it. Please understand and agree with this before you use our service. We will not send you notification in such cases.
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 爱知县陶磁资料馆は、陶磁史上における爱知の位置について、日本における最高级の窯业...
以降、日本やアジアを初めとする世界各地の様々なやきものの魅力を展覧会や関連催促事を通じて紹介してまいりました。コレクションは3点の重要文化財を含む7,020点 ( 平成27年3月末 ) となり、国内屈指の陶磁専門ミュージアムとして成长しております。
(0561) 84-7474愛知県陶磁美術館
- 托巴水族馆是一个巨大的水族馆,在这里你可以见到许多生物。
博物馆分为12个主题区,博物馆的一个主要特点是,参观者可以自由观看展品,而不必担心展品的陈列顺序。水族馆有大量的海洋动物,如海豚、海狮和海獭,是世界上唯一一个同时饲养和展出两种儒艮(据说是美人鱼传说的原型)和生活在河流中也是海洋哺乳动物的巨型非洲海牛的水族馆。 这个巨大的环境罐再现了世界各地的珊瑚礁和河流的环境,是各种生物的家园,包括众多鱼类、水母、青蛙和水生昆虫,大约有1200种。 海狮和海象表...
(0599) 25-2555鳥羽水族館